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    Renegade Rebels
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    Battlefield 2
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  1. looks the same?
  2. this is a note im sending to the game developers starting with EA. also to evenbalance and activision and any other developer that that contracts with evenbalance. In light of the recent security holes exposed in pb software, this is a letter i sent to Ea games and will send it to every contracting developer. Why should they use pb ? you cant or wont fix your system. I lease a game server for Bf2 and stream our ban data to PBBANS , BUT hackers have found a way to inject code into the PB data stream to fake bans, in order to crash the pb cheat system. if you read the following post from PBBans , why do you need evenbalance at all, if they are not going to fix this problem that exists in their system , and they do not want to have to fix it? I think it will take pressure form EA games to convince Evenbalance that they should fix this problem , as players will avoid online games that hackers have overrun. Why host a EA game server for bf2 or any other game if cheaters can do what they want? this not only effects us at the hosting level, but all across the board from creator to game purchaser, because this problem with punkbusters flaws that the hackers have exploited will prevent many from buying or playing these games. Many have already canceled their server leases. as for us we are implementing a ban at will policy until further notice. I am a streaming member to PBBans and they have posted that the system has been compromised and evenbalance will not fix it. then pb is ineffective.
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