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Everything posted by CoronelN

  2. use my msn as lately im not around xfire much [email protected]
  3. tiggers i dont play most of those games but i can host for you a few servers in europe if you need them.
  4. Well this basically kills the PARABANS Initiative... no More NAMEHACK! I'll wait and see... but i'm impatient already....
  5. is not really a lot... it took me like 5 minutes after finding out how to do it... If you already have your server setup and running you can skip most of it anyway... just do the WGET commands from PB if u are lazy like me and running your console from windows copy from my post and click both buttons of your mouse in the console window it will paste the url for you :P what do you mean with this question: "What do you use to check the commands? " hit me on my xfire if u want more details
  6. GySgt I posted this yesterday about my unranked amd64 linux server... it is a step by step to have PB updated up and running... http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?sho...c=85530&hl= hope it helps... To the others, BF2 do not reply to PB commands on the game console... but in this case he has physical access to the server console (or remote telnet access) and the server console indeed replies to PB commands... In any case when the server has PB off or not streaming you can tell because there is no verbose in the console screen. When the server has PB on it is constantly relaying feedbak in the console screen and if it is streaming to pbbans the feedback is even bigger.
  7. Maybe printing this post would help you with the new key... but to be honest i think that their answer will be that it is your fault and they will wash their hands...
  8. Bernarde, Lucky dit que le ban viens d'etre enleve, et il te demande de ressayer. donc il te faut suivre le lien dans les premiers posts et re-ajouter ton serveur et
  9. Bernande Lucky t'a dit que le serveur est interdit car il est lie a un ban dans le Master PLayer Index. Lucky, He says that he is renting the server from a known french/europe provider
  10. Bernarde Quelle type de serveur t'est en train d'utiliser? PBBANS n'accepte pas les serveurs heberges a la maison pour exemple. Le fait que t'as access FTP veut dire que ce n'est pas un serveur ranked de BF2 fourni par un societe agree EA Au fait il te faudrait parler a un des admins PBBANS dans le IRC pour r
  11. Salut, j'assume que t'as ete dans account management, que t'as clickee dans l'onglet Team options le button pour <Manage Servers> et dans la nouvelle fen
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