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Everything posted by lordkrasas

  1. FIX IT! Signature added.
  2. OMG....I knew it had to be a silly thing....thanks a lot! Great support!
  3. Hello, as most of the guys here I dont get the server streaming....I created account, followed instructions, the Webtool said "should be ready for streaming" etc etc. I flooded BF2cc with the requested rcon commands, and it seems that the necessary files dont get created/modified. I am running a BF2 server at I3d and so I have no FTP access. The support staff of I3d asked me to mail them the files to be put in the pb server folder. Is this an option? And if yes, how do I get these files? Maybe you can help me. Server IP: : 16567 Can you check my status in case If I did anything wrong here? Thx for our help in advance...
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