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Call of Duty 4
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Good to hear from you again my friend. I will hit you up sometime this week to discuss with u
Thank you I really do need help and I need reputable members and this is where I find some of the best members to be. They respect fair gaming and work diligently to protect the rights of the masses. thanks Tiggers
please dont ban me if I am wrong in this post please just delete it. I am not advertising I am asking for help. I believe whole heartedly in what you do. My name is Tiggers. I am not selling anything I am asking for your help. I have built a site called www.redirectfiles.org and it is built on the foundation of custom gaming. Standard servers are not on the agenda. Here is what I am asking. Below is a list of servers that I have that need work. I am looking for people that know how to modify servers to take one of these servers on. I am not asking you to buy the server I already bought them I need them modified. There are three positions available. Server modifiers --the server modifier will take on the server of his or her choice they have full control and can put any mod they want on the server. You can run messages for your clan in the server and you can create anything you want in the server with your clan name or tag. You are responsible for maintaining the server. --For this I will put your name and Clan banner on the website stating what you have done and what mods you installed. People can ask for different mods through the forums. --You will get full access to the server. FTP Web and Config access. You will also get a redirect address to put mods on and basically anything you need to get the job done. you will get a special storage folder for you to upload stuff while working on it. If you need something that is not given in the list let me know and we can work it out. Editors --The editor will review games that have come out and help create hype for new games. You will also get your name on the site and your clan banner. Along with this you will get special access to some of the forums and you will get the bylines for your work. I will give you access to upload videos and photos and I will teach you how to upload and change the web pages on my site. You will be granted Publisher ranking for the site. Tournament server setters -- These elite few will be versed in how to set up servers for competitions for just about every game that has a comepetition. You will be responsible for setting up and making sure the servers are within regulation at the time the servers are needed. I have more postions and I am willing to work with any age group so please dont believe if you are young you cant help. I look forward to anything you all have to say and hopefully getting some help. Call of Duty 2 Call of Duty United Offensive Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare Call of Duty 5 World at War Modern Warfare 2 updated 6-15-2009 server available for preorder (depending on availability of new Maps and Modification) Counterstrike Source Counterstrike 1.6 Team Fortress 2 Crysis Crysis Wars Left 4 Dead Left 4 Dead 2 updated 6-15-2009 server available for preorder Once again this is a request for help and nothing more I am offering up some sort of compensation with the advertising that is temporary as I grow I do plan on compensating when I am capable. Also if you dont want to help with the site please register and tell me your thoughts in the forums of the modded servers I already have running. here are the servers right now UT3 UT2K4 CoD4 ac130 mod X4 CoD4 Pistols only with fast running (my config for this has glitches I need a good config if you have one plese let me know) You can contact me by xfire at tiggersbound and email at [email protected] Thanks
Thanks link fixed on the home page. Cant fix it here. I appreciate the input Tiggers
I sent you a pm thanks for letting me know. Anyone else I have many servers that need mods and I could use your expertise. Counterstrike servers TF2 servers and CoD servers. Contact me or go to the site and let me know. Tiggers
No one is willing to go to the site and see what I can do to make it a better gaming community. Also if you know how to mod servers in these games I could use you help. Also what is the most liked mod and maps for these servers also Call of Duty 2 Call of Duty United Offensive Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare Call of Duty 5 World at War Counterstrike Source Counterstrike 1.6 Unreal Tournament 2004 Unreal Tournament 3 Team Fortress 2 Crysis Crysis Wars Left 4 Dead This community is the cream of the crop in my eyes and I could really use your suggestions and help making this the best online gaming community out there for all to enjoy. Help make this the best and most sought after site to go to for up to date information. Tiggers Xfire Tiggersbound Email [email protected]
This is an annoucement to all the clans that like custom gaming and playing on servers that are out of the ordinary. I am Tiggers and I love to play on servers that are customized and different then others out there. I have rented servers in the following games WWW.REDIRECTFILES.ORG Call of Duty Series Call of Duty 2 <---- Click here for more info Call of Duty United Offensive <---- Click here for more info Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare <---- Click here for more info Call of Duty 5 World at War <---- Click here for more info Call of Duty 6 Modern Warfare 2 (depending on availability of new Maps and Modification) Counterstrike Counterstrike Source <---- Click here for more info Counterstrike 1.6 <---- Click here for more info Unreal Tournament Unreal Tournament 2004 <---- Click here for more info Unreal Tournament 3 <---- Click here for more info Team Fortress Team Fortress 2 <---- Click here for more info Crysis Crysis <---- Click here for more info Crysis Wars <---- Click here for more info Left 4 Dead Left 4 Dead <---- Click here for more info Here is what I need from the community. I have a forum set up for all to use and an public vent but I need to know what mods are the best to run on these servers. I want to change the mod on a weekly or bi-weekly basis. Please come visit our forums and register on the site and put your thoughts in. This is open to all clans and we are not considered a clan on any level. We are a custom gaming community. Ways you can help. If you are a Mod maker I will premiere your mod If you are a Map maker I will premiere your map If you know how to customize these servers to max efficiency then please contact me at [email protected] If you know of games that are coming out that you want talked about post in our forums. if there is enough chatter I will get the server for it as soon as possible. Please visit the site and tell me your thoughts. if the servers dont get used I will be removing them for ones that people do use. Together we can make this the best in custom gaming out there. Remember the site is in public beta and we are adjusting all the time. so bear with the minor glitches and please send me any glitches so that I can work on them. Hope to see you all soon Tiggers
im a cock-hungry butt who loves to enhance lions think i dont like who i am/ Tiggers
where do i get the pb for the cod5 so i can secure my server any idea.
so how would i fix it. i can post my file if you like see if there is something missing or wrong but I did not touch it. do you want me to pm it to someone or post in a different section maybe you could tell me.
how do i log everything people are saying in game. this is probably a subject that has been discussed a hundred times but i dont get it.
i just got an email stating my server just stopped streaming any ideas why i did not touch anything and i put that one line that said if you server is inactive for a while. and it was working fine for a long time any ideas why it stopped. i am new to this whole thing but have read quite a bit. my server was running fine then all of a sudden it stopped. i hope i didnt do anything to upset my friends here at pbbans to make it stop streaming. Tiggers
i know it is a bug but it only happens to him why is that any help would be appreciated
i was just wondering why i get this picture and it seems to come by the same player