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Everything posted by -GQ-LazyG

  1. OMFG! You got a mostly-useful reply from EA. <Head explodes from shock> Over at GQ we have given you the benefit of the doubt already, as you know. This certainly suggests that EADM can be the issue - classic EA quality control. Once you have wiped and reinstalled, come play on our server and we will track your guid via the MPI here and we can be sure the guid switching has stopped.
  2. I read this link yesterday (though now it has gone) It was in french but did indeed talk of the guid changing on install, NS update, patch etc, so was the closest to Brick's issue I have seen. I have to admit, Brick, that if you are in fact a cheater/hacker you are by far the most persistent in protesting your innocence i have seen. I am stunningly sceptical in general and when we first looked you up at GQ I was convinced you were dirty but you have got me half convinced of your innocence. That is after you being reported by a player I have known for years and been in clans with (anyone can be wrong from time to time and we have no SS proof) EA aint gonna help you though I fear. Your final recourse - buy a new 2142 DVD, start a new soldier, play (clean :) ) with that.
  3. Occam's razor says you have multiple GUIDs because you use a GUID generator, sorry. I googled around and the only people claiming their GUID magically changes are known hack/exploiters and no one believes them.
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