Point of all this was and is still the main purpose as to them saying NOT to do this off there dime and you all went out of the way to do it anyway. There are two sides yes, But when one says no and the other does it anyway, who at fault? I mean, is this children s play time?
You should have respected there decision and followed threw with there earlier requests and im very sure that this post would not even be here now.But you went the way of a child that didnt get his piece of candy and tried to steal it anyway. I see that the more things change, the more they stay the same. I side on behalf of PBBans on this without a question in my head..
Now that you got your hand smacked for getting in the candy jar, your going to toss ,"But he started it" card? I have used PBBans for many many years and although I am not streaming at the moment, I will always come back here first to start protecting my servers, and no offence, I have not even seen a need to stream elsewhere.