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Everything posted by Shockfactor

  1. Point of all this was and is still the main purpose as to them saying NOT to do this off there dime and you all went out of the way to do it anyway. There are two sides yes, But when one says no and the other does it anyway, who at fault? I mean, is this children s play time? You should have respected there decision and followed threw with there earlier requests and im very sure that this post would not even be here now.But you went the way of a child that didnt get his piece of candy and tried to steal it anyway. I see that the more things change, the more they stay the same. I side on behalf of PBBans on this without a question in my head.. Now that you got your hand smacked for getting in the candy jar, your going to toss ,"But he started it" card? I have used PBBans for many many years and although I am not streaming at the moment, I will always come back here first to start protecting my servers, and no offence, I have not even seen a need to stream elsewhere.
  2. ya I got mine to stream for an hour then poof, no matter what I do I cant get it to stream. Im begging surfy atm to help if I give the info
  3. still can not get it streaming again
  4. i will work on it tonight idk whats going on or if im doing something wrong
  5. nope, stopped streaming UUUHHHHGGGGG
  6. ok after much bit*h i got gameservers to remove whatever they had blocking me talking to pb, I did everything on the list everything went in ok and came back OK only got the first line back after testing, and our server is added
  7. ok call me a retard here but where is the link to the webtool?
  8. ya about that I get no webtool there, all I do get is this This application only prepares your server to stream to PBBans. Once complete you will need to add the server ip to your account. If you do not have a PBBans account visit here for more information on how to create one. Please note this tool WILL overwrite the pbsv.cfg file by default on your server (By issuing the command pb_sv_writecfg). If you do not want to overwrite your config, please uncheck the Write Config box. If you are running any league configs we advise not enabling the Write Config option. This java based applicaton is client side only and no data is stored on or sent to the PBBans website For more information on applet security please visit Sun Java Now I have an account, so how do i get the tool?
  9. Well we shut down our box with our streaming servers, I came here to today to set up the BFBC2 server but have been booted out of the SGA group. Well I cant seem to nail how to setup the stream as gameservers has literally block all coms with it. Any help would be helpful, I added the server but I cant get it to work Account ID 5127
  10. i take that back, I dont know whats wrong with it, this one server has never changed just stopped streaming
  11. nm someone tried to adjust stuff they shouldnt have touched, now i have to try and go back to undo what they did
  12. I just cant figure it out, worked fine for a while, I looked at it etc. restarted pb etc. nothing
  13. Streaming Game admin? We stream all our servers to pbbans, is there something other we also need to be streaming? Sniper46 is our server MP,Tech, all this he would be submitting anyway, I just wanted to get an idea as to why black pbss come to us black......
  14. OK we got a pbss and it shows nothing, all black is that just a glitch or a comfired bust? This pbss comes out of our servers pb folder hosted off AOW The date was 10-18-08
  15. He is one of the admins on the server box, I am the owner. Please use the information he supplied to further this case. If not, Please let me know what you need from me Sniper43 is our server tech and mostly likely all pbbans streams are under his account. He also is a full admin
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