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  1. Hi again. I was wondering, is there a way to make messages appear longer? And also I have a long text I need to add but unfortunately it doesn't fit on the screen so it ends up cutting off the first part of the message. Can I do a scroll that will put up that message in 2 texts but right after one another(or 3 secs after)? Message 1 is very long so I would need to add the second part of the message 3 secs after the first. So would it be like this? pb_sv_task 10 23 "say first part LONG MESSAGE" pb_sv_task 13 23 "say second part of LONG MESSAGE" There is only 1 message. The reason I ask this is because one week from now the IP will be changing and I would like to have it displayed on the screen frequently. (as above every 23 secs.)
  2. Awesome. Thank you very much. Do I need to keep pb_sv_taskempty at the start of the svrmsgs.cfg?
  3. :) Ok. Now I did notice the messages only show up one time. Are they not supposed to keep going? This is what I have now and I wanted to know if I have to keep repeating for the messages to always show up. pb_sv_task 20 1000 "say ^1Welcome to the ^0Dissidents ^2Rising ^1Public HC server." pb_sv_task 100 1100 "say ^2We are recruiting mature players. Register at www.gamerztheatre.com/dissidents" pb_sv_task 200 1200 "say ^1You can view your stats at www.cod4tracker.com." pb_sv_task 300 1300 "say ^1Welcome to the ^0Dissidents ^2Rising ^1Public HC server." pb_sv_task 400 1400 "say ^2We are recruiting mature players. Register at www.gamerztheatre.com/dissidents" pb_sv_task 500 1500 "say ^1You can view your stats at www.cod4tracker.com." And what do the 2nd numbers mean, the 1000,1100,1200 etc? Join the server if you get a min and see what I mean how they only go once. The ip is Thanks again. P.S. When I do the pb_sv_restart on my server, even if Im not logged in, it resets. Is this only resetting clientside? SDorry again if this sounds noobish but really I am a noob at this.
  4. Ya I know. Thats what I was doing originally and it didn't work. As soon as I rebooted the server, they started working, kind of. See next post.
  5. It works. lol. I did however have to reset the server though as well. Anyway thanks guys for the responses. Really appreciate it. Take care now.
  6. Ok. I have this as my svrmsgs.cfg pb_sv_taskempty // Task setup for PunkBuster //where <color> = //^1 for Red //^2 for Green //^3 for Yellow //^4 for Blue //^5 for Cyan //^6 for pink/Magenta //^7 for White //^8 for Black //where <message> = the text you want to scroll pb_sv_task 10 1000 "^1Welcome to the ^0Dissidents ^2Rising ^1Public HC server" pb_sv_task 100 1100 "^2We are recruiting mature players. Register at www.gamerztheatre.com/dissidents" pb_sv_task 200 1200 "^1Check www.cod4tracker.com for stats" Now in my pbsv.cfg at the bottom I have this pb_sv_load svrmsgs.cfg I went into server and did a pb_sv_restart Nothing shows up. What am I doing wrong?
  7. Does it go into the pbsv.cfg? Theres actually 3 messages I want but not all said at same time. Here. This is what Im looking to do 1st message - Welcome to my server 2nd message - Recruitments at blah blah 3rd message - check stats at blah blah Now 1st message, wait 120 seconds, 2nd message, wait 120 secs, 3rd message, wait 120 secs, 1st message and so on and so on.
  8. Excuse me if I sound dumb, but where is the task list that you guys refer too? I want to add 3 messages to scroll all the time(never stop) every 2 mins. I have tried the different ways by adding the lines like shown here pb_sv_task 60 420 "say Blah Blah Blah Blah...." pb_sv_task 120 420 "say Message 2.. blah blah blah" pb_sv_task 180 420 "say Message 3... blah blah blah" I add them to the end of the pbsv.cfg Am I adding them to the wrong place? The messages never show up even after a pb_sv_restart
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