Is there a unhit script?
I see more and more players with good ping beeing unhitable.
Bullets go through them: They touch them but dont hit.
A the beeging there was one guy like that, then another one came, and now there a 3.
Is there a scrit or a hack wich allow to change our own hitboxes behaviour?
In my opinion he is: An aimbot and maybe a wallhack because sometimes he soots on walls as if he was able to see the enemies through them.
Mode: noquarter
Link to the demo:
100% sure?
I just want to know if there is a chance that this file belongs to ET and not to a cheat. Do you know if a mod of ET or if ET has the same menu.wav file?
Excuse me to insist.
Is this a cheat ?
I have been looking for some infos. A file "menu.wav" belongs to a cheat.
But does ET has the same "menu.wav" with the same MD5??
Is it a file's cheat for sure?
I used to play on the server. It had no lagg, but since it had pbban installed, it has. Players are not all affected by the problem. Those who are in UK are not affected, but players who are in france like me, are.
How can i fixe my problem ?