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Everything posted by *Evil*Number1Dad

  1. Will be at Wal-Mart at midnight to get my copy, I work nights so that's a plus... will probably be caffeine'd up and setting up a server as soon as I can get one. ETL is looking forward to doing less anti-cheat work for at least a little while ;)
  2. I likes it.
  3. I would consider gathering evidence for submission if he comes back.
  4. The way our team would deal with it would be to look at the IP he was using when you banned him, and/or the IP of his forum account, and ban if they match or are in the same city (do a Google search for "IP locator " and find one you like, I use GeoBytes), then you can feel confident that it is the same person, especially if it is a specific color/caps match or is a very unique name (I probably wouldn't ban if it were a name like "Killer" or "SniperGod"). I'm pretty sure this is standard practice for zero-tolerance clans that do good research. Does it look like he's hacking now?
  5. Ha, thanks, I took that one last summer... it came out just right.
  6. I put this together earlier tonight. Thought this might help some of our beginners: http://www.wikihow.com/Catch-a-Cheater-in-...e-3-Based-Games
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