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Everything posted by MuG

  1. Is there anyway to get a mass unban? i mean its unreal. i play on over 20 servers just in north america. maybe 10 in europe. We scrm all the time and new teams always have new servers. Its kinda impossible to get ahold of all server admins and get unbanned from the servers in need. If i have a scrim on a new server or worse a match, and i am banned because no server admin was on, thats not good =( if not its okay, just try to contact all admins.
  2. Sorry, i am at work with distractions and misunderstood what you implied. Thanks!
  3. But the servers i was on i could play on right after my ban was lifted. So that can't be the problem, right? I have no idea whats wrong here, Im not on the MBI or had another reason to be banned other than the purpose i posted in my previous post. PLEASE HELP!!! MuG
  4. Hey guys, I was banned a few weeks back for [06.04.2008 23:41:45] 32d58a234b1b32396ceb7d1d79325188 ".us|MuG" "" Generic CVAR Scan. I was just banned from my clans server a few hours ago. I waiting until now to post because i had to get to work. The reason i was banned was because of this prior ban which i had appealed already. Here is a link to the already appealed ban below. http://www.pbbans.com/mbi.php?action=5&ban_id=73146 Here is the reason below. ->PBSV: [From #2 5188(?) ^0.us^5|^0MuG] cross3 = "seta cd_drawcrosshair 5; seta cg_crosshaircolor red; seta cg_crosshaircolorAlt red; seta_crosshairpulse 0; seta cg_crosshairSize 45; cg_crosshairY 0; cg_crosshairX 0; cg_crosshairhealth 0; cg_crosshairAlphaAlt 1.0; seta vstr cross 1" If you didn't see my mistake, i mispelled cg_drawcrosshair with cd_drawcrosshair. I check my guid and it says i am clean. but yet i still cannot attain acess to any server. (only tried 4 but i assumed it would be the same with all.) Thanks guys! MuG
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