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Everything posted by vital3148

  1. donated
  2. thanks you I'll give it a go!
  3. I've seen a server where they had a welcome message whe a Player joined... how do I enable this feature? I know it has something to do with PB since before the message so and so has joined.... it says PbHub
  4. i love you of course like a friend. lol thanks very much Pbbans has been a great friend so far
  5. I know how to record a demo I've done it before but there not saving I am running Windows Vista X64.. they have saved before and yes cod4 does have access to admin.... any ideas?
  6. its set on 2000
  7. PB Screenshots only goes up to 100? is this normal?
  8. http://www.pbbans.com/information.php?page=starterguide Regards, Vital
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