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  1. Yes, again here is that problem. I thought it's okay, but not. Today on a server where I played again many player got kicked, including my friend. So if anybody has the expedient to this problem, please post it. Thanks!
  2. I heard the problem's reason is the new nvidia nforce driver. My brother have nvidia, dont installed the new driver, and he has no problem. I have ATI, and I neither dont have problem. So uninstall new nvidia driver, and install an older driver. I heard too, just a simply ET reinstall after new nvidia driver helps. (save ur etkey :))
  3. Hello all! Im new on this forum, and I don't knew where can I post this comment. Yesterday on KW server (Enemy Territory), where I play, many player (10-15) got/now get too problem with PB. Including my clanmate too. The problem is: when he play PB write it: pb client: 0/5 exception notice. When he get kicked from server write this: violation (ignoring queries) #9006. Please anybody help me to I can help to other players on KW server, because they can't play. Thank you!
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