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About {OCS}MasterSeal

  • Birthday 03/22/1975

Profile Information

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    First and foremost my son, then COD4, CODW@W, Unreal Tournament all flavors, L4D, TF2, TFC, HL2, HL1, so many other games, plus I own a Multi-Game FPS Clan called Out-Cast Snipers Multi-Game Sniper Clan.
  • Location
    Nebraska, USA

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Clan / Team / League Information (Optional)

  • Name
    Out-Cast Snipers Multi-Game Sniper Clan
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{OCS}MasterSeal's Achievements


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  1. Bottom line, I appreciate what you do here, and have for the better part of 3 years. I'm very serious about the entire reason your organization exists, and I thank you personally for all of the administration help you have provided. There are absolutely no issues with the fiber connection at my house, nor lack of quality in any shape or fashion with said service to be clear. HOWEVER, with that said, I do fully understand your guidelines, and I seriously appreciate you taking the time to explain things to me that I'd forgotten. Not everyone is as experienced at running dedicated servers, and the majority of ISP's at a residence I do agree are not even sub-par. since these isp facts don't apply to my system here, it was very easy for me to forget your guidelines. I do apologize. This will not happen again. thank you for continuing to do an incredible service for us admins and players who need it.! kind regards: {OCS}MasterSeal. Founder, lead Administrator Out Cast Snipers.
  2. the KF server is hosted on that ip... ok so I'm confused. I've never been banned from a server in my life for any reason to my knowledge, and this is my personal IP from my ISP that I've had for months...the only person playing here is me and my son. could you please help me out a bit here? I don't have access to actually SEE who's on that list that you linked to, of an IP that I've had for months, and have been the only one playing on it, with no cheats anywhere to be found. I'm concerned as I'm the most ethical non-cheating dude on the planet, second to all of you fine people. what am I missing here? ...Seal...
  3. " PBBans will only allow streaming from dedicated servers and not from LAN or personal computers." so never mind, but I'd just like to say: mine IS a dedicated server, in fact I run several with 5 MBPS uplload dedicated, regardless if it's my home server or not. however I'm not here to fight your policy. thanks for what you all do! ...Seal...
  4. I'm curious as to why one of my dedicated servers has been blacklisted. I've never given anyone any reason to blacklist anything that I'm aware of. please look into this. thank you. oh BTW it is a home server, but it's DEDICATED so if that's the issue I'm not certain why it is as it's a Dedicated server. the ip was thank you. ...MS...
  5. Waiting to get BACK to Streaming Admin Status!

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