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Everything posted by Drez

  1. Drez

    Google Maps

    Hey thats sweet
  2. hmmm well i done as was said in the info centre http://www.pbbans.com/information.php?page=hubguide#ftp checked the ucon status and everything reported back fine 0:51:17 pb_sv_UconList 00:51:17 ^5PunkBuster Server: [slot] [Type] [Mask] [Name] ^5PunkBuster Server: 1 1 pbbanshub ^5PunkBuster Server: End of PB UCON Profile List (1 Entry)
  3. ok have redone it with the pb_cfgs zip file, so should be ok hope to see it being reported as streaming soon
  4. but although it showing on my account it still awaiting admin approval? roughly how long should it take, i added server about 36 hours ago
  5. like it, its cool have used all the rcon tools out and about and this one is one of the best. and as a bonus to boot no freeze ups, no crashing etc, quick refresh, guid checker is cool too
  6. Managed to sort it - wont tell you i was configging it for my public server when in fact i was connected via ftp to my match server :blink: and had a real good day once i sussed that cos then by way of a miracle the webtool worked too lol
  7. yeah but cant get them to work lol, so been looking for another way :lol:
  8. hey i like this tool, only thing i miss is no automated server messages setup but apart from that it looks and feels very good
  9. Yep and i am happy to say that the member in question quickly sorted my request and server now not being picked up by the hub. Have donr the automated setup so just waiting on activation now. thanks for the help Duality
  10. Spoke with duality on IRC and advised me to pm the account owner who has this server in their team acct which i have done. hope to hear back soon
  11. ok i applied for a straming admin account and was found to already be streaming to pbbans????? http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=56365 Now i purchased this server a few hours ago and setup through automated setup. Comes back with team United Assasins which is not my team? how can this be rectified?
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