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Everything posted by macuiare

  1. And thats wehn im left by my self with a server still not streaming =/
  2. sorry been abit late mate, okay heres how its hosted, my father x owner of an internet company, I set up my server wih him, We have to rent the space and such though, now before I get tolled tht you only let servers stream that are at the data center, yes it is the data center. =)
  3. oh ive changed the Ip and everying since then, Diffrent server completely.
  4. Its not a lan server, or home =) thanks though
  5. Error You have already applied for admin status. Is the error =) The Rcon part is setup on the server now, Server Ip = Game = Wolfenstein Et 2.55 Thanks again Duke My xfire Is Suckmarbles, And msn Is [email protected] =)
  6. Hey, I went to make a new applocation, And it just told me ERROR already request admin or something along the lines of that, All I want to do Is add a server to pb hub to stop the anoying private bots =( what should I do? Thanks Duke
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