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    CoD GoDS
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    Call of Duty 4
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  1. Thanks, helped me alot. I have managed to do it notrace.
  2. I have enabled 'Allow Hub Greetings'. But it still isn't working. I have restarted my server and pb. Could someone show me a screenshot of what it should look like? (the settings) or just tell me how they set it up? Thanks. notrace
  3. Ok, thank you for the information but i have been to my account control panel made a greeting saved the greeting and enabled it yet it still won't show up? is their some config i must change for it to work. Sorry i;m new to PBBans :P
  4. Hi, i have seen this hub message before on many servers and i would like it on mine. I have activated my server here and it is working and streaming fine. I have been looking for a tutorial to do this but to no avail. I have created a welcome message in my account options but it still isn't working. please could someone explain the steps on how to achieve this message welcoming new players to my server. Many Thanks. notrace
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