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    355th armored
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  1. need information , can anyone please help. we run a few coduo servers on a dedicated box. for the past month we are having issues with our guid's not showing up in our server. we believe it is a problem with the master server not communicating properly. when we refresh the join a game list to show all of the servers sometimes it will not refresh and will leave the screen blank with no servers showing. when this happens no guid's show up in our server and any banned peeps can join. but 5 minutes later if we refresh the join a game list and servers appear on the screen all peeps guid's appear and any banned peeps can not enter the server. we have spoken to other clans and they are having the same problem so it is not just us or our server but seems to effect everyone. it seems to be some sort of intermitent connection to the master server that comes and goes every few minutes. can anyone help us with any info on where to go or who else to ask for help. we can not seem to find out how to talk or post to any master server or activision on this matter.
  2. hi, we currently are running a coduo dedicated server with punkbuster enabled. for the past two weeks we have noticed that some player GUID'S are not always appearing in any rcon tool program or in the game console. some players come into our server sometimes with a "0" GUID number therefore we can not ban or prevent anyone that has been banned from entering our server. we contacted our server provider and they said other clans were having the same problem with GUID's which we did verify by talking to other clans. our server provider indicated to us that it might have something to do with the master servers. i don't know where else to go for help on this issue. if someone can be of some help we would appreciate any thoughts thanks 355th_WRIGHT3 SR. ADMIN 355th Armored
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