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Everything posted by GunZ_0604

  1. i cant seem to get my one server streaming the other 2 are streaming fine just this one they are all the same host also the ip that wont stream is any help would be great
  2. ok thanks
  3. ok so was it a hack or was it clean
  4. ok thanks like i said i pushed the ss butten and checked by that time it was going and i new it said one or the other
  5. ok had a guy that got kicked for eather handhacking or failed to handshake with pb not sure which one could anybody tell me if this guy hacks or it was something else
  6. is there any other way to do it
  7. wow sorry for the double and triple post dident see that or dident no i did that so how do i go abouts doing this to make it work
  8. how did you do it could you tell me?
  9. how did you do it could you tell me?
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