Hi all,
I'm pretty new to server admin (and especially to PB stuff).
We run a private server that we use for FUN match against other teams (pam4).
Last night for the 1st time we runned with PB screenshot feature on and I immediately found something strange.
One of our opponents had a couple of strange SS here below:
From what I've read around, the two above could come from his graphics card having troubles (understandable, he was using a Mobile Intel 965 ...). But the 3rd screenshot was VEEEERy strange:
What is strange is that the top of the screen indicacates ("SPECTATEUR =SK=POINT7") that this guy was spectating on one of his opponents !! To confirm this:
- the glove is fron an "Enemy" skin (=SK= team was using Enemy, this guy was in Allies)
- you can see FPS on upper right corner: this guy has FPS on all the match (visible in other SS) while =SK=POINT7 has never set FPS on (I have plenty of SS)
- it wasn;t ready up period, since in the lower left corner there's the bomb indicator and timer runnig
Now, final proof, I cought inthe logs the following conversation between him and one of this teammates (sayteam) [i have translated it from french, player A is this guy, B one of his teammates]:
A: hey B, I'm before you ...
A: crap I'm gonna die
A: listen, I'm gonna tell you where they are going
I have no proof, but I was watching the console when he said that and this got my attention: I'm almost positive I've seen the PB message of S request right in the middle of the conversation.
Now 2 questions:
1. What do you think of the SS ? Is it OK or is it the result of a bug ?
2. How can a player spectate his opponents in pam4 ?!?!?
Thanks a lot !