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About Zweppy

  • Birthday 01/14/1986

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  • Location
    Elburg, The Netherlands

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    Dutch Tribe Team
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  • Game Played
    Enemy Territory
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  • Wish to Stream to PBBans?

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  1. im quiting the topic at the moment, dont want to post any more reply.. my clan & i are doing this our way from now on. Sorry guys, you can as wel delete my account if nescesary. Dont know what you guys will do. Best Regards, Zweppy
  2. i know my clanmates are not cheating @ all! im playing with them for over 8 years now, and im really proud to say that we're a NON cheating clan.. If some of them want to have fun in SP, then its there choice, i know when i see a cheater, and then i bann him.. If its a member of my clan, then its also a BAN 4 LIFE.. so dont worry about me not getting rid of cheaters.. The only thing is, shall i do it manual or trough pb-streaming? And my choice is manual.. so let it be that way then!
  3. thnx for all the reply's in this topic, them im affraid im not streaming our servers.. Mostly for my members.. I personally want to stream all our servers, but i've to think as a loyal member at the moment of my clan.. Sorry to announce, but i've to bann players who are cheating manual then. I just wanna say to all of you, keep up the good work.. i really supporting you guys! Best Regards, Zweppy
  4. There meaning cheats downloaded from the internet, and not the commands.. So if im correct, and understanding pb-streaming will scan your whole pc for cheats that are know by the streaming. So; key-loggers, software cracks, etc.. also will be seen as cheats by pb-streaming? Best Regards, Zweppy
  5. Dear PBBans/Other Admins, im the serveradmin of our clan, and we want to join up the fight against Cheaters. Now there are some members affraid of getting banned by pb-streaming, and we want to know what the streaming checks and how it works? Does it check your whole harddrive like; c:,d:, etc.. or only the maps related to the games like c:/program files/wolfenstein - enemy territory/ for cheats? Because some members are affraid when they cheat in single player mode just for the fun, affraid of getting banned for just having fun.. I and some other members really want to make the server streaming, but we dont want to lose members we all know for several years and have allot of fun with. Maybe its allready a question that is answered at the forum, but i have been looking on the site for almost 1hour now, and i can't find anything related to this topic. But please answer my question, and ill post it on our site and make a sticky topic of it for all related partners of our clan.. so more people will join the streaming. Best Regards, Zweppy
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