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  1. I did thank them in a email and trouble ticket. I was just wondering if anyone knew what caused the issue. If I have something on my system that set things into motion I would like to know so I can fix it. I just didn't want the same issue to repeat itself. I'm sorry if you think I not grateful. I was just frustrated that I could not play. Evenbalance and PBans thank you both for the help and fixing the issue... =XD=BadKarma
  2. I still would like to know what caused the problem in the first place. I would not like for this to reoccur.
  3. I'm all fixed as well. Here is what my trouble ticket said: Note #10: You should find that you are not longer receiving this kick. Please let us know if you still do.
  4. Day 5 for me double grrrrrrr... =XD=BadKarma
  5. Wow so there saying its something on your end? That doesn't make me feel any better. I have done a whole reinstall from a backup image and reformatted from scratch and still I am getting the error. It looks like there looking these at a case by case basis. If that's the case we could be here for a very long time... :( =XD=BadKarma
  6. I just sent this a email to PB. Can I please get a response? It's been 4 days with no answer. This is obviously a PB problem and I would not like to buy another copy of Cod 4 to fix the problem as others have done. Thank you. I'm really getting frustrated with this now. Please forgive my rant. Has anyone else received a response yet? =XD=BadKarma
  7. Well they just requested my background processes. I hope they can find the culprit. I will definitely keep you posted of anymore updates. I'm having flashback's Vista 64 and Enemy Territory. They could not find a fix for me. I had to reinstall xp to get pb to play ball. =XD=BadKarma
  8. I tried updating my driver from 175.16 to 177.66 and still no joy. =XD=BadKarma
  9. Same thing here. I was playing earlier in the morning then tried in the evening and POW!...error I hope they get back to me soon. I need to frag or I'll die... :) =XD=BadKarma
  10. Here are my specs: Silverstone TJ07 Case | XP Pro SP3 fully updated | EVGA nForce 680i SLI | Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 G0 @ 3.2 | Thermaright Ultra 120 Extreme (Hand Lapped) | 2 gb of Patriot Extreme Performance PC2-6400 @ 4-4-4-12-2T | Samsung SyncMaster 245BW Gaming Monitor | PC Power & Cooling Silencer 750 Quad Power Supply | 2 Western Digital 74gb Raptors in Raid 0 | Western Digital 500gb Caviar SE16 | 20x Samsung SH-S203B DvD Rewriter | 2 EVGA 8800 GTX's @ 630/2000 | Razer Barracuda AC-1 Soundcard | Razer Barracuda HP-1 Gaming Headphones | Razer Tarantula Keyboard | Logitech 518 Mouse | Logitech Z-5500 Speakers =XD=BadKarma
  11. Just today this error started on my clan server: Restriction:Disallowed Program/Driver [90042] PB Bans Information Center codes is a 'Cheat' Video Drivers'. I have never condoned or used hacks. I have also opened a ticket with Punkbuster. Any thoughts? =XD=BadKarma
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