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Sparky Sr

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  1. AH, Mine is working too!!! Now I have a spare valid KEY! I know.... I better not start complaining about the $50.00 they made me waste so I could stay playing in my clan's server. If it stays working I will see you guys in the battle field. My name in game is SparkySr +EcS+ I usually hang out on S&D servers like [Lord] or SBX from 10 PM til 3 AM when not in my own clan's server. I may have been the worst at showing my flustration but I could sense it from others of you as well. Thanks for sticking together guys, I am back running my original harddrive just the way it was before this started. Nice that it wasn't in our systems, just wish they would have been more verbal about the possibility that the problem was in their system not ours.
  2. Put in new HDD today as 2nd drive, installed vista this time, nothing else but game and update to 1.7 no drivers or Av at all. Old key still gets same message. New key plays fine. So the problem must be with Evenbalance/punkbuster only, not in our PCs or internet. Right??? New key works on both OS but leary of using it with my original XP harddrive. What's the next step?
  3. I do use a G11 which is a twin to G15 with installed drivers, I never use the gaming keys on far left. Keep me posted. As they may soon ban my current new CD key. Edit: .. Sorry for previously airing my rage, just shows how bad I needed to kill something (had been 3 days). The new key from walmart has allowed me to do that and I now feel much better. BUT,if it is possible for my keyboard driver to ban another CD disk key, I need help fixing it fast, Thank You, Please stick with us.
  4. I have been wasting my time on evenbalance for 3 days, installing it every way possible. Since another $50.00 bucks at walmart gets me back in the game there was no problem with MY PC or MY INTERNET. The ONLY problem is EVENBALANCE SCREWED ME FOR NO REASON and IF they ever fix it I'm still out the $50.00 more plus three days installing OS, HDDs, 9.0c, Games, etc. I would have rather played with cheaters in the game than be cheated like this. As it stands now, EVENBALANCE is the BIGGEST CHEATER OF ALL. And I'm still waiting on them.
  5. Been working on same problem all nite, all day, all nite, installed new hdd with different new OS, XP PRO SP2, installed game from my CD with confirmed good key and no better still same crap. Look like must be PB having problem with maybe our internet, I have Quest DSL with 2wire (brand), model HG2701-D modem/router in one. Now have few more problems, but even gives the same error on version 1.6 "restiction, disallowed program/driver (90042)" Please let us know, I too finally got a reply from ticket asking what else is running, to do scan and send to them, now waiting again. edit: forgot to mention, I too run AVG for anti virus with XP pro on all of them. even though One PC still has old AVG 7.5 version all 4* of them are getting the "90042" code, that are on my modem. I was thinking next step is try a different COD4 CD & key, or take one to another location to try a different ISP. * my son's have the same error
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