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  1. Just got an email from Evenbalance. No explanation but in response to a letter I wrote yesterday. "You should not be banned, and you should find that you are not receiving this kick at this time." BUT, I'd definately still like an answer on this question proposed. I'm scared to run any config files not game generated now. Please assist if you know the answer.
  2. Just got an email from Evenbalance. No explanation but in response to a letter I wrote yesterday. "You should not be banned, and you should find that you are not receiving this kick at this time." I don't know what the issue was or if you all are fixed. I surely hope so. I've checked and I'm working again. Good luck all.
  3. All, I've been banned for some unknown reason along with a lot of other people last friday night. There is nothing I can do except for what I've already done. Submit a ticket with Evenbalance and wait. I'm hoping Evenbalance will let me know what has caused the original problem. The error received was Restriction: Disallowed Program/Driver [90042]. Nothing had changed on my main gaming system in months. All drivers and programs remained the same. The only thing that had changed was my config_mp file. I was using the yitch3.cfg found on a popular website. I'm not sure if I'm allowed to post the website so google it if interested. From my understanding, your config file will not get you banned because those settings are server controlled. When first using the config file, I would get banned for 0 minutes until I set the settings according to what the server was looking for. Could one of you guru's confirm this for me? Just pulling my hair out here determined not to buy another copy of the game until I figure out what caused the problem in the first place.
  4. All, Just and update. Nothing of yet. The only official response I did recieve was after the initial submission of my troubleticket requesting that I provide them a list of what services were running in the background.
  5. I first experienced this problem Friday night while at home on my desktop. I immediately submitted a ticket at evenbalance. I left home Saturday morning to visit family, and was looking forward to game on my laptop. To my surprise, I received the exact same ban on my laptop. I submitted a ticket and gave them a listing of processes running in the background. I really think this is a key ban since some have reported that by just changing the key solved the problem. I have none of the same programs running on the laptop vs. the desktop. I'm at a loss on what to do and really don't want to spend another 50 bucks on another copy of the game so I can play. I'd like to solve this issue and determine what caused it in the first place so that it won't happen again if I do fork over more money for a new key. Oh, one more issue. I play BF2 as well. If it was a driver issue, wouldn't PB catch that driver while playing BF2 as well? No errros when playing BF2. I refuse to play on non-PB enabled servers because I seriously despise hacks and cheats. I'm seriously at a loss on what to do next. Submitted a ticket, now I suppose I'll just wait and request a scan tool like others have mentioned in this thread.
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