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Everything posted by Ramon

  1. Cool B) thnx lol
  2. Evilzombie thats right was me... :huh: to be honest i dont think it is anything, firsty thought was a minimizer and because i dont know im just seeing if anyone knows better if you understand wat im saying and if not dont worry about it. Ive just posted incase someone goes "hold up i kno wat tht is" nothing more <_<
  3. im not looking to ban him on pbbans i just wondering if anyones seen it around
  4. I know its Alt Tab! :) If you look at the icon in between the two xfire icons this is not a normal call of duty 1 / 2 or 4 im just curious if anyone may know what program this icon belongs our suspicions or minimizer/maybe a cheat tool launcher type thing Its modified because i didnt think you were allowed to show the name of the person etc
  5. Does anyone know the icon between the 2 Xfire ones? it looks like a modified call of duty icon maybe a cheat if anyones seen it before know what it is?
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