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Maddog Phantomias

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Everything posted by Maddog Phantomias

  1. With the first answer the trouble is already resolved, because we have to stream to GV to meet clanbase rules. Sinds we already excist for more than 8 years on clanbase and have already got multiple prices we would like to stay there for the time beeing. But i will look at those other leagues you mentioned. Thank you very much for the helping answers, and still i'm dissapointed pbbans won't work on our war server. Even 1 caught cheater would make al the trouble worth while. Thank you again. ill get in contact with clanbase to ask about pbbans working with GV as well.
  2. *************************************************************** Team: Maddog Multi Gaming Clan ([MD]) Account ID: 4938 Streaming Status: Not Streaming (0 / 1) *************************************************************** --------------------------------------------------------------- Server List --------------------------------------------------------------- COD4 - --------------------------------------------------------------- User List --------------------------------------------------------------- Maddog Phantomias (125975) I have executed al these rcon commands as told in the pbbans hub streaming guid. But the server is not streaming. We currently let our server get streamed witg Game violations as it is a rule for clanbase matches. Could that be the trouble ?. And i understood that the server flags aren't correct. How do i have to set them to get it working then ?. PBBans OptionsEnforce Bans | Accept PB Bans | Announce New Bans | Accept MD5 Bans | Accept CVAR Bans | Allow PAT Reloads | Enable MD5 AutoUpdates | Enable CVAR AutoUpdates | Enable Hub Bind Queries As it is now i believe, do i have to change anything in this ?. In a previous post there is told i could fix it with the PBBans - Hub Streaming Setup but there it says: Please note this tool WILL overwrite the pbsv.cfg file on your server (By issuing the command pb_sv_writecfg). If you are running any league configs we advise not using this tool. We are running the PAM 4.0 mod because of rules from clanbase will it affect it ?. Without pam we are not allowed to play in certain ladders. Sorry but i havent got much experiance with this. Please help. TY.
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