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Everything posted by Donkiepunchjr

  1. You guys must not play cod4 or if you do your no good. To the dude with the no recoil talk he could have some kind of macro to prevent recoil by pulling the gun down after every shot. Why wouldnt UAV be up all the time every people keep getting 3 kills, back to me thinking you guys have never played the game. Then you say it obvious he has a wall hack? Are you seeing something that I am not? He isn't even toggling or anything. IF you watch carefully you can we he shoots in the same spots over and over and over again cause that's where people hide. You see sometimes he shoots thinking someone is there and moves away and then realizes he was shooting someone. Like how about you go out and catch real hackers. People who say that are bad at video games.
  2. There is no proof of him hacking? Thats him simply playing on a crowded map I mean people like this are still playing when they are blatantly hacking. I mean use your brain in cod4 you can shoot through walls and if you have uav you can see where people are at and there are certain skills to allow you to shoot through them. I mean just think about it. There is no aimbot, he isnt toggling or rotating his barrel i mean he misses lots of shots and gets killed a lot. this whole thing makes no sense you would need to be Helen Keller to think this guy was a hack
  3. Hi I'm a friend of cletus11 who was banned by a demo. I'm wondering what kinda hack he was using and if you can provide me proof. I'm just very curious. Cause I'm sure from your Terms of Service you are required to post it somewhere.
  4. How do I stream to you?
  5. Yeah when it happened last night I check the GUID and it was clean then i checked my actual GUID and it was clean also! The server IP: standard port im sure! http://www.gametracker.com/server_info/ It happened at about 10AM PST
  6. Hey I don't know if I'm posting in the correct section but forgive me if I am not. Well yesterday I was in my clans server(in the pro mod) and like 30 mins in I was banned for 1 min and the reason being is... "|PBBHub| Player initial.donkiepunch (dfbf1846) banned for GLOBAL PunkBuster GUID BAN dfbf1846" but after just checking BF2CC to copy that I saw my other friend right now was afk and got kicked for the same thing "|PBBHub| Player inL* goth686 (dfbf1846) banned for GLOBAL PunkBuster GUID BAN dfbf1846" Thats not my guid for 1 and 2 it looks so fake, I went into another server and it streamed pb i guess but it showed this ban... http://screenshot.xfire.com/screenshot/nat...f20c9d9a4fe.png They look tottaly different! I need help I am no hacker, ive been playing this game since release and if i was I wouldnt come on here to plea a case :D Thanks in advance!
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