Hey I don't know if I'm posting in the correct section but forgive me if I am not.
Well yesterday I was in my clans server(in the pro mod) and like 30 mins in I was banned for 1 min and the reason being is...
"|PBBHub| Player initial.donkiepunch (dfbf1846) banned for GLOBAL PunkBuster GUID BAN dfbf1846"
but after just checking BF2CC to copy that I saw my other friend right now was afk and got kicked for the same thing "|PBBHub| Player inL* goth686 (dfbf1846) banned for GLOBAL PunkBuster GUID BAN dfbf1846"
Thats not my guid for 1 and 2 it looks so fake, I went into another server and it streamed pb i guess but it showed this ban...
They look tottaly different!
I need help I am no hacker, ive been playing this game since release and if i was I wouldnt come on here to plea a case :D
Thanks in advance!