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    Gamers Coalition Worldwide
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    Call of Duty 4
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  1. Thanks, DaLynX! I'll be entering the working world soon and I still feel wet behind the ears. While my University's program pushes OO there are still plenty of systems out there running non-OO languages. I can get by in C, just not fluently. I'll be doing some coding in Python this semester as well. The internet protocols are probably where I'm lacking the most, but maybe I can squeeze in a course dedicated to that branch of material before graduation. PB, PBBans, and AON are all fantastic tools and I (personally) and my clan are very happy to be associated with them. We should streaming with AON shortly. Cheating just takes the on average $50 game and turns it into a giant waste of time for everyone. I game to relax, not to deal with script users, so knowing PB/PBBans has my back is very comforting. Best wishes, Clean
  2. Hello guys, Let me start by again thanking everyone at Evenbalance and the PBBans community for their hard work and the service they offer. My question is regarding how I may train myself to eventually be useful in these matters. I am a senior in an undergraduate Computer Science program but the more I learn the less I feel I know. What languages, protocols, and/or tools should one study to prepare oneself to contribute to the anti-cheat community? The Computer Crime and Forensics course I took this summer got me hooked and as a gamer I naturally care about the gaming community and keeping it clear of cheaters. However, I feel so far my training is lacking. I've been exposed to ADA, C++, Java, Javascript, Visual Basic (I know, I know), and a little SQL but what is prominant in the gaming and security world? Many thanks in advance to those wiser and more learned than myself, Clean
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