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Everything posted by badmankilla

  1. im as baffled as you lol yea it was a guid ban, ok its saying something like pb permanent ban on the game server, so i said on maybe its just that one, so i had the the admins update the scripts and everything and tried again, still got kicked. went to a different server one which i never went on while i had the ban and got kicked for the same reason, so i dont know
  2. hello guys im sorry if im posting this in the wrong forum/section but dont know exactly where to go to handle this. i was recently banned by AON but got that cleared up, but the ban was issued by punkbuster so i cant go on any servers with my account, AA: WaR^BaDm@nKilL@ http://www.airdaleops.com/index.php?topic=41742.0 http://www.hazardaaclan.com/history/accoun...3806134386375B7 any help? thx
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