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Everything posted by kelep

  1. he never tested enything. he just went on a hack site looking what kind of hacks there are. when he read on another forum that it might be your cookies in the history he deleted it and he still got the message
  2. so one of my clan mates was looking up info about hackers because he diddent know very much about it. when he got back he got banned for (PBHACKS). he told us on the clan forum that he only checked for info about hacks, although he did play extremly good, on the server score he was first with over 100000 kills and the second one only had 4000, so we already thought it was supicius. but when i looked for info about hacks and i went into the server i diddent get banned, so then we banned him from forum and server. this made so many problems and we have had 18 hackers that day on the server and nobody donating to the clan that the clanleader almost wanted to close the server and stop. (luckely he diddent do that) he and i were looking for info on a hack site, im wondering why i am not getting the pbhacks message and he is, does that mean he really does hack or not? if you want his name to check if he does then ill post it
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