Hi Guys, Sorry If This Is In The Wrong Place But I Need Help.
This Afternoon (22/8/2008) at around 1800 GMT a guy called Reckless|Jewel^ joined our clan server,
after only being in the server a few mins the guy was using binds to call every member on the server random things from Jews to insults including various Obcenities .
anyway, i warned the guy to behave or he would be kicked and i got replies along the lines of " go for it, am i scared etc etc"
So after a min or so more he started again and as promised i kicked him from the server using Rcon,
only about 5 mins later, my clan member {fgs}Alma was banned from the server, being as only myself and my co Admin {fgs}Padawan (who was also online at the time) have access i had no clue what was going on,
then console messages in the server stated "do you like your server being Jewed by #Reck | Bones" aswell as one stating "Hows your banned clan member"
quickly i changed the password for Rcon and restarted but another console message apeared in game stating to add #Reck | Bones to Xfire, which i did not do.
whilst restating the server and making sure all knows necessary passwords were changed my Xfire had a friend request from #Reck | Bones ( no idea where he got my name, though it issnt hard to guess). asking me how it felt to have my server "jewed" by him and to give him a random player to kick.
the server has been restarted and up to now nothing else has gone wrong.... is there anything yo can do to help. and to help unban my clanmate who was banned by this hacker?