Motherboard Name: XFX nVIDIA nForce 680i LT SLI
CPU Type: DualCore Intel Pentium D 925, 3000 MHz (15 x 200) (yea its old im savin for a new 1 to finish this rig)
memory: OCZ XTC SLI OCZ2N800SR1G DDR2-800 (4 gigs)
harddrives: six 250 gig western digital sata drives
sound: soundblaster audigy 2
Video card: B.F.G NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GTX OC (768 MB) x 2
powersuply: 1000 watt sli
O.S. duel boot XP pro build 2600.xpzs.080413-2111 (service pack 3) and vista ultimate w service pack 1
speakers: my pc runs through a 1200 watt kenwood stereo but i just usually ues my skull candy headphones
not the best rig around but as long as it plays americas army imma happy camper ( lol did i say camper? i ment defender) :rolleyes: