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Everything posted by Ark

  1. Great thank you. I've sent the command after submitting the post and it looks good. Just waiting for the HUB to update to verify if it's seeing soldiers on the server. Prior to this it was not, but it was streaming. THX.........
  2. Thank you Doc......... Ark......... I'm looking for the command, however do I have to restart the server? THX..........
  3. Because Even Balance disabled kicking, is it the reason I'm receiving "Out of Sequence Messages"? PunkBuster Server: Download Request for htm\lc002291.htm Sent to (BF32.EVENBALANCE.COM) PunkBuster Server: NOTICE: PB Client (10002/1) out of sequence - Slot #1 I've checked the server index for the stream and it says that PB is out of date. The only thing I can think of because of the error and the hub is operational, is that it's not communicating. Thanks: Ark.........
  4. I'll take a stab at it. Is the reason why "No Player Data was found for this server" message using live hub, because Even Balance temperamentally disabled PB kicks? If so I can wait it out, it appears that the hub is live and the Dats. are updating. However, if the answer to the question is "no" then what gives? Any idea. Thanks: Ark [04.02.2012 23:45:11] Kicking for new violations has been temporarily disabled per PB Master Servers - use the pb_sv_enablekicks command to manually re-enable kicks.
  5. Question? What if the person has 3 alias found on PBBANS, but only one comes up in battlelog? I suspect they are keeping a low profile, however shouldn't the PBBANS found alias also be found on Battlelog? THX....ARK
  6. I have the stream configured for the PBSV.CFG setup for proper streaming to PBBANS and it worked fine for the MOH , however since the stream is not supported anymore I have left the config in and added GGC stream. Unfortunately I'm getting a header mismatch what is the proper config for both? This is what I have: ;PB UCON Settings / Lists pb_sv_usessionlimit 8 pb_sv_ucontimeout 300 pb_sv_uconmaxsendrate 16 pb_sv_uconempty pb_sv_uconadd 1 "" "pbbhub1" "pbbanshub" pb_sv_uconignoreempty pb_sv_USessionLimit 9 pb_sv_ucontimeout 300 pb_sv_uconadd 1 ggc_85.214.107.154 moh pb_sv_uconadd 1 ggc_85.214.107.155 moh pb_sv_uconadd 1 ggc_85.214.107.156 moh I would like to keep the PBBANS config until Dice get off their head screwed on straight and use the GGC stream current. Thanks: Ark
  7. Our server was streaming fine, all it needed was a restart of the server daily. We are going through Gameservers, however I've heard allot of issues with Hypernia servers streaming. Thanks for your support though.... Ark...........
  8. Welcome back! ...........=DD= Arkangel}
  9. has not set their status

  10. Thanks Doc, it's not touching our servers..... It's a shame that EA can not make another mistake as they have done with BF2....LOL Sad but true, BF3 will take forever..... =DD= Ark
  11. I would like to start by thanking PBBANS for your dedication. As a streaming Admin I understand how much time it takes to Admin a decent server and keeping those cheating punks (sorry script kiddies) off our clean servers; well done. Now for the survey: Did you find the layout of PBBans.com to be user-friendly? Yes however; considering there are many ways in setting up a server I would like to possible see the three separated and posted to. Much of the information that I sought for took time to assess what type of config it was for and how old the information was. General if it was current, the streaming was a piece of cake but the order of config was a little vague. For exp: The PB_SV_TaskEmpty being in the wrong spot can make a big diference. I would almost want to see a section where I could donate more just to have a PBBANS Admin log in to the server and configur it to go. I know it's alot of work, becuase there are so many servers and we Admins would not learn a thing; but it would be nice. :rolleyes: Many of the host run diferently and to understand this takes experience. If it was setup to your spec than the congurations can be saved and tweeked along the way. All in all if it wasn't for your service it would be a lost battle.... Thanks....
  12. Could this be Deadi?

  13. Great, I was going to ask the same question. I was not sure if a new app is required to add another server. Thanks! All of my commands and the IP was added to my account.... I'll be patient do what you need to do... ;) Ark.... Added:
  14. Sweet, thank you.... ARK..........
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