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-EPC- Koudelka

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About -EPC- Koudelka

  • Birthday 03/20/1984

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  • Location
    Denmark, Born Derby, Uk.

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    Elite Pc's Clan
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  • Game Played
    Call of Duty 4
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  1. Ah I see. Well it sucks having that linked GUID, when it's nothing to do with me. Anyway, thank you for the replies. And I guess I do understand that you can't remove the link. Never hurts to ask though. ;)
  2. Hey there.. I was fooling around on the MPI, checking up on a few new recruits when I decided to check my own guid out of pure boredom.. It came up, and I scrolled down, and here I'm looking at a linked GUID ban for CoD4.. Now first of all let me say I dont hack, never have nor will do so. But I guess they all say that eh ? Anyhow.. As you can see by searching this GUID: 875a72e7 that I'm from Denmark, and have only played using Danish Ip adresses. Using the options to use alias tracker and linked guid's you get a banned one. This banned GUID is from the UK.. Call me paranoid or whatever. But is there any way to have that link removed ? I don't appreciate the fact that you can look up my name/identity on the MPI and for people not looking good enough they would think, oh.. He's a hacker.. So what I'm trying to say is, I don't want to be mixed in between hackers and their bots when I'm trying all I can to catch the twats.. Koudelka.
  3. Ahh both our servers stopped streaming too.. So much for trying to repair it haha.. well thanks for letting us know :D
  4. As far as I know there are indeed certain Graphics cards that produce black screenshots.. I've got a Geforce 8800GTX with the newest drivers, and I have black screenshots aswell.. I guess there's not much to do until Nvidia changes the drivers or the way they work somehow..
  5. I've seen these people about on different servers.. Some of them use this macro utility that actually is configured to make a semi-automatic gun full automatic with next to no recoil, because of the gun shooting too fast.. On our servers, we warn then kick the player for it, if he keeps doing it he will get a time ban and in the end perm banned if he keeps it up. It might be legit software bought with the mouse, but it is an unfair advantage towards other people playing. In my oppinion, everything that is not "Humanly" (I.e. Not directly controlled by the player) controlled, is to be considered an unfair advantage. Though I highly doubt that this site and other anticheat communities will add these scripts and softwares to the ban reasons.
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