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Everything posted by RsF-TnucTae

  1. Ahhh! I understand completely now I wasn't sure on how to answer them but Im all cleared up now! And I appreciate the responses! pbbans is a great community. Thanks again!!!
  2. Wow thanks for the quick response.. ok perfect well I will go back and say no to both those questions then cause I don''t need that level unless my command decides other wise. Thanks again for the assistance!
  3. Hey all.. I just signed up for the forums and I think I may have chosen the wrong options, not sure be maybe you could tell me. When I signed up it asked me if I was a server admin and did I want to stream, I chose no to both as its said must have ftp access which I dont. Well when I activated the account it said Welcome to PBBans, your forum status is set as "member". This gives you limited access to the PBBans forums, to attain full forum access you must be streaming your server to PBBans. *** Server Streaming *** You must have access to one of the following: rcon, BF2CC, 2142CC or FTP to a PB enabled game server (FTP not mandatory) in order to setup streaming. So being that I do have Rcon access since I am an admin in that regards I went back in my profile and chose yes to both, however our server already streams (The DogPound). So I am thinking that those questions were for the FTP server admins or something like that, call me confused. I just need to know if they should say yes or no. Thanks for the help. T
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