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Everything posted by littleman

  1. you just don't make any sense.. My sense is clear: Try to find alternative ways (if they exist) to fight cheaters. And one way is to force governments to apply laws. Now that I am thinking it of.. They don't have actually laws for movies and music piracy that there are huge money lost, and they will make for games - and if they have they rarely are applied.... .. Thus if a child bored life, and like to kill what judjes should do? let it continue it work?... As far as for the economy you have right. But not send them in jail. Force them to pay 500$ or 1000$ or 2000$ if someone is found. This will help the economy!... Another way is to force players to register with real data, and if someone catch to cheat then not to be able to register and play any (online) game for some months to some years. This will prevent buying the same game over and over, or trying to cheat to other games. --- But all game developments has to agree to this and make a global database of gamers. <-- what you say about this?
  2. :P ... I have so many other things to do in my life and so many obligations that at least for 2 years, #1 won't happen! - Unless I win the lottery or something and I want to spend somewhere a lot of money! lol :D .. I just play for fun when I can, and I hate those that spoil that fun... I don't really care to make a server... There is no meaning.. There are a lot of servers, and no reason to make one more... Still when I can I try to forward PBBans to anyone that don't know it..... that's all! :)
  3. Unfortunately only a few server are in PBBans. Checking in MSI some servers, noone was found! Isn't possible to make MSI show the supported servers in alpabetic order or something?... "Why in gods name would you want to become a hacker?..." Personally I don't want. But sometimes this pass from my mind, when I feel that someone cheat on me. Why not to cheat also me, in order to make the game "fair" for both of us?.. To just make the game lock only the specific player and each time I see him to blow his head off with aimbot - just to make him taste the feeling. Still in common cheat-sites (that I am curious why doesn't anyone shut them down - just use google and you may find the headsite sponsored!!!), I read a story on how people became cheaters!.. They were just noob players that when they couldn't succeed in some missions used cheats to overpass them. And when games went online, they started to use hacks. Anyway... Now another point. Yesterday I was playing to a server of a friend. It was a really good game. I asked my friend if he uses PBBans streaming and he said to me he does (in all-chat). Someone then wishpered me that he (my friend) has no clue of what PBBans is.. Thus I checked in MSI of this site. Well.. The server of my friend isn't shown in list.. Still my friend think that he is PBBans-streaming!... ...I guess there are many admins that think they PBBans-streaming while they don't, or confuse it with just Punkbuster on :P Is there any other way to understand that a server is PBBans-streaming?.. I had the impression that the only way to understand it, is the server to implicity send green letters saying it PBBans streaming. Thus servers that doesn't say ingame that they stream to PBBans, probably are not streaming.. Am I right?
  4. "Note that PBBans do not guarantee to keep your servers totally free from cheaters".. After a topic in BF2142 forum yeap.. All agree that PBBans doesn't offer 100% secure play. But it help a bit more... Thus we are again in start...... Only by joining in clans we can succeed something, but this limit our games to specific servers, and it doesn't either guarantees 100% clean play... anyway... thus I dont disagree with some people that say: "if on-line games are "ruined" by someones and no-one can do anything, then why not to ruin them too a bit? for our fun until we bored - re-buy the game and try new things, till we bored or catch......"... They have a logical point, specially those that want to play it as "hackers" ;P ...
  5. There are 5,193 streaming out of a total of 5,862 servers.??? ... Thus you cover about the 89% of servers. Hm.. It makes sense then according to how rarely I find aimboters/cheaters.... Ok. Well, I make judgemental assumptions to take answers that I don't know how to question them. From what I got for now is: A. Servers connected to PBBans are 100% secure and are the 89% of online servers. B. There exist a list that anyone can search for those servers (MSI list). Well.. For any player that had no idea about those, the only fact that he has is that he has ON the "PunkBuster" in his searchs and still he see cheaters in --- this gives a wrong impression on how good PB works. If your do such an excellent work as you say (and I believe it) you have to do something thus to inform people that the PB-on option in game doesn't actually mean secure playing. Secure playing is only achieved when servers stream to you. How can a simple person think of that alone? Thus, if you claim that your system is secure from cheaters, then I think that all players would like an options like : "PBBans-Streaming On/Off" at servers lists at our games, and not the "PunkBuster on/off" option which is actually useless!.. And there is no need for laws, as far as you can provide such security and you can "advert" it to single players. If you could ask something like this from game developers it would be nice. We want an option that will ensure that the server is secure, and not an option that will only say to us that the server runs a simple anti-cheat soft.
  6. If you put 3 or 4 cheaters in, or 10 or 20 then all will stop.. It's other thing to face just your ban account ($20$), and other thing to face 1-2 years, or 2000$ money guarantee not to go. The risk of trying to cheat will become unaffordable for the cheaters, thus we will have a dramatical decrease of on-line game cheaters. The fear of jail or high money forfeit, will reduce on-line gaming criminality in huge degrees... It has a logic.
  7. Goodmorning... Sorry for my attitude.. But its the attitude of a person that doesn't have the time to mesh with all this system of anti-cheating.. I am just a player, that bought some games and in all those games he have the same problem. I don't have server, and I like to play on different servers (not just my clan's one, which is small and usually empty!), depending the ping that they have each time, their stage, and my mood. In BF2142 i.e., in order to join a server you have to have PB-option on. That for a simple player means that you the server is protected. Now if the admins of the server hasn't done right that procedure of PB-Checks, how can I know that?... Any way to be informed would be appreciated (with a patch or updates of all games). We only can understand it with "Try-and-error" logic. But again, most games doesn't offer the option of "rejected servers".. I can't ban a server from my list in order not to see it again when I look up for servers. And I can't remember each server I found a cheater in!.. And I can not ruin my fun - when one cheater comes into an un-protected server and mess the game up - by leaving the server. PB and anti-cheating communites always talk about the side of the server... I am just asking to think most the side of the client. Because a server admin that protect his server is ok. But a player that play to different servers without any preference is by 60% unsafe from cheaters - and such players are more than admins. At least a) force all servers to be protected, or B) add option that shows 100% protected servers to simple players like us, or c) inform any active player admin that has no protected server. And, I am explaining the phrase ("then all PB-based systems are just a failure").. I meant that doesn't protect simply and globally, under the fact that some admins neither want to set up such systems correct, neither know how - and simple players can't protect themselves from such admins (they havn't any way to know if their server is 100% secure or not)..... Hope at least to understand my point of view... :)
  8. A. Yeap.. I agree.. But tell me. How many server streams to the advanced system of PB correctly? And how can a player like me know it before enter a server, that it is 100% secure from cheaters? B. Take an example. We are in a town, where we have stores and a group of thieves enters and robber us each nights. There are two solutions to stop that situation: 1. Make laws, and when such a thieve is cathed to go to jail. 2. Add each time more and more enforced protection, making each one that want to open a store to have to learn a lot of stuff of protection. That protection can have impact on the way of life (-gameplay in games) as slower times of opening and closing stores (-more lag). In my opinion 1rst method would be enough to stop that situation - and the best. The 2nd method just lets a "war" between cheaters and anti-cheaters to continue for ever...
  9. Nope.. I am just a player...
  10. Lately I get kicked from servers (twice) with reason: RESTRICTION: Disallowed Program/Driver [119500] I found no info about that on net. I didn't install anything since last times I was playing, where I hadn't such prob. PS. PB should give at least a list with all reasons of kick, explaining why they appear and how can players prevent from/overpass them if they don't cheat. --- [09.27.2008 18:31:26] RESTRICTION: Disallowed Program/Driver [119500] [09.27.2008 18:39:08] PunkBuster Client (v2.102 | A1375) Enabled [09.27.2008 18:39:32] WARNING: PB Kicks for Name Stealing and Level 2 PB Restrictions on this Server [09.27.2008 18:39:32] Receiving from PB Server (l v1.684 | A1375 C2.102) [09.27.2008 18:44:20] RESTRICTION: Disallowed Program/Driver [119500] ---
  11. I was playing again BF2142 today, and in the game was another one Cheater. 5 Players were saying to kick him, kick votes started again him but nothing. That player could kill 3-4 players at once with a clip. And I have upload you tube video with proves that he 99% aimbots. Before some time ago, I post another topic, about another player I catch him aimboting, that PBBans knew that he is developing hacks etc for a long time (as it seems). Still that player is free to hack and cheat even now. Thus the question is. Can actually PB and in general anti-cheat communities, remove cheaters from gamers-servers, and thus protect gamers from cheaters? .. The answer is NO. PB and anti-cheat communities can only actually spot the cheaters and inform the others. Nothing more practical. Thus what is the solution to actually protect gamers from cheaters? .. LAWS! .. Anti-cheat communities have to push global organizations (in EU, USA, etc) to make laws against cheaters. If an official anti-cheat community (PB i.e.) catch a hacker/cheater etc playing in official servers cheating over other real players, that cheater should be go to court, to face with 1-2 years in jail. Tell me then. Which people would be risk 1-2 years of their life, just to cheat or ruin a game for their fun?.... No-one... And online-gaming will finally clear from such parasites. Now, why should a country make such a laws against game-cheating?.. Because a game-cheater affect-annoy real players-humans. Spoils the fun, destroy the entertainment of people. Take an example.. If you are out with your company and a person come and annoy you, say bad words to you, or even hit you the first time you probably go away to another place, inform all your friends about that incident but won't go to police. But if that guy, or other guys continue to annoy you each time you are out, then you will go to police and will probably go that guys to court. Same in gaming. Until now, we see a cheater that annoy us and we leave the server.. But this thing can't continue any more. We can't just change server each time someone comes to annoy our game-our entairtainment.Those people that annoy the gamers by force (using aimbots/hacks and spoil the games) should be punished - in real life. Gamers community MUST DEMAND from politics to make LAWS against cheaters, which actually spoil the fun and entairtainment of other people. By spotting an enemy you doesn't kill him, the same way PB etc doesn't stop those from making new accounts or hacks. From the time-moment that gaming affect millions of people, and some bad guys destroy the fun of those people, we need to demand laws. Some kind of international GameProtect-Police. The only way to stop someone stealing your, or kicking you is to send him to jail, not just asking (without hope) for help, trying to cover yourself, or running away... Game is part of our real life, and if someone mess with it he should be punished in real!..... Or else we just time wasting....
  12. Hm.. Ok. Sorry for the post... But... If it is old news for you.... Well.. The guy was aimboting at our modern times! What this means?.. That if you know that news for long time, and this guy is still aimboting and hacking then all PB-based systems are just a failure. Sorry for saying this, but it's reality.... :/
  13. Hi. Before a few days I was playing in BF2142, when someone with Bianchi was killing us with almost 100% accuracy even if he was on the move. I record the game and uploaded at youtube a video. You can see that at: *edit*
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