ok, i have the messages coming up in my server at my set times and everything, thanks to reading your folks' posts, but my problem is that when i am in my own server, i get the message from the console, but the message is repeated right after the console one in my name
console: Welcome to the server
a few seconds later
HGP||ChinaBaby: Welcome to the server
I have tried everything i can think of, but i just can't seem to fix it, anyone else having this problem?
this is what i have in my srvrmsgs.cfg file
// Task setup for PunkBuster
pb_sv_task 20 300 "say ^5Welcome to the ^6HGP||Clan Server"
pb_sv_task 60 300 "say ^6Come and visit us at ^5www.hgpclan.com"
pb_sv_task 100 300 "say ^3Respect all players(except hackers), ^1Don't cheat!! ^5You will be caught, ridiculed, then banned!"
pb_sv_task 140 300 "say ^5Email server admin:
[email protected]"
pb_sv_task 180 300 "say ^5Remember to verbally abuse hackers until an admin can ban them >:)"