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    Deadly Assassins
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  • Game Played
    Call of Duty 4
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  1. Hello RoadWarrior, Thank you for the advice and help. If we need anything we will be sure to ask for your assistance. R/S... Attit2de
  2. Hatten, We will get it back up there for ya. See ya there. Attit2de
  3. Ok guys and gals We need some input from all of you. We am starting a new ladder for all clans that wanna match in COD 4 (and any other games we add and what our members would like added) and have ggz, with out all the hackers. You can sign up at the site at www.gamersladders.com . We wanna hear from everyone how they would like the ladder to be set up for everyone to enjoy. So please leave some input in the forums at www.gamersladders.com/forums so We can get started. ALL suggestions would be great. also please let other clans know about the site so we can get some ggz going. Also anyone interested in being a game admin or site helper or any other staff ect. there is a section there to fill out to apply. Thanks hope to see you all there!!!!!!!!!!!! So far we have Call Of Duty 4, Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas 2, SOCOM, and Battlefield Bad Company as the games we match with. And recommendations for new games to be added are always welcome. We are not trying to recruit for any clans but just want to get the word out for clans so we can get this ladder for the members ran by the members out there. We accept recommendations and ideas from EVERYONE. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me on x-fire @ Attit2de or Smitty @ smitty2b2. Hope to hear from everyone soon. Thanks, Attit2de
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