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  1. Thank you very much! Hope to see you there soon.
  2. ok I'll "bring" him here
  3. Literally it reads: "You have been banned from this server by Server Admin"
  4. I told him that and he said that I was not in his ban list. In fact I can play on all the other servers of kernwaffe. I always end in the same place: it is supposed to be a "PB problem". Can't figure out more with such a brief kick message...
  5. LOL, those are only the last 8 characters, need it complete?
  6. There is a server (et2.kernwaffe.de) on which I get this message: "Banned by Admin" I've contacted the admins and they say I have not been banned by them. I went to the server web-site and I left there a few posts ... nothing. Everyone says "it is a PB problem". Googling was no help (yet). My GUID is 86483a4e. Any help is much appreciated!
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