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Everything posted by 454ss1

  1. so it will even show me there cd key and all if caught on another server
  2. pb hub caught cheater tonight,, gave hash and all still nothing .
  3. I'm trying to add a sig,, one of the ones that says how many have been banned ect,, yet the server says NA,, how do i fix it to my server
  4. I know how to get it streaming, yet it still says my old clan name,, Sec8clan aka old name and the new name i need on it is =GOB= THE GOOD OLE BOYZ but when i try to get the logo on site to show its streaming it wont let me add without sec8clan as it says i have to delete my old guild first and i cant seem to do it,, also my website has changed from www.sec8clan.net to www.thegoodoleboyz.com Team account number is 5323
  5. i am trying to get my 2142 server streaming but it says unknown object or method when i try and add commands through 2142cc. I dont know what to do from here and we have been having alot of hackers on our server one guy was 48 kd .. please need to get this up and running.
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