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Everything posted by cammie

  1. STOP !!!!! my head hurts....

  2. Well this is what worked for us...Hope this helps... after hours of smashing buttons...we pinned it down to Steam..and not just overlay...whole program.... we eventualy figured out by starting game not using steam at all stopped the kicking.... Make sure steam is not running find your steam folder......steamapps.....common...game folder...and boot it up from there....it worked for us.. (considering you bought the game through steam) although..i have to turn off EVGA also....but i cannot run this game at all while steam is running..
  3. Thx a bunch surfy !
  4. Hey everyone... need some help here..... my old clan has folded and i was owner in account here at PBBans...i am currently in another clan and they would like to add me to their account to become a SGA...but since i am tied to the folded clan team account...they told me they cant seem to add. where exactly do i have to go to delete old team account.. Old team acc : No Bullsh*t Clan Account ID : 8224 Thx in advance for any help
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