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Everything posted by fras3r

  1. You need to take it up with the admins of the server involved - its up to them who they ban and why.
  2. If its the same as ours then when you restart as a mod server it has its own set of PB configs. Do the standard PBB config setup and it should stream OK.
  3. I dont wanna mess wit the zohan :wacko: but this guy has scored around 1.6 points per minute - nothing fishy about this, . Even if you work out who you really should be asking to reset his stats I dont think they will. This score per minute wouldnt get him in the top 10000 on the leaderboard!!!!!!!!! :rolleyes:
  4. I am 100% happy to be streaming to Pbbans, I dont care about what other sites have to say or choose to do - I just dont want to see the A/C sites wasting time arguing instead of focusing on improving their systems and services. All this is over a ban which hasnt been appealed??
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