All you have to do is make a demo of someone playing normally and pb will ban them!
Tested it out myself, explained in the appeal to rewatch the video, to see that there is no aimbot lol and the appeal was denied, with an automated message, i am not extremely annoyed with the ban but when i sent an email to the appeal email i got a rude message back from a staff member saying, "You CHEATED it was your own fault, don't bother replying, closed!" thats what got me, it was pure laziness and he just assumed i cheated, anybody have an answer to why this happened? And hope this this helps people out to get someone they dont like get banned for no reason lol!! All you need is stupid staff and stupid service! And demos are not the way to go to get cheaters! You should use your donations to buy the private hacks and find out there engine! jeez there not expensive are they? Peoples money gone to waste.... kind of feel bad for donators.....