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About Ivabiggen

  • Birthday 07/12/1974

Clan / Team / League Information (Optional)

  • Name
    Battlefield Infantry Fighting Force
  • Tag
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  • Game Played
    Battlefield 2
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  • Are you a Server Admin?
  • Wish to Stream to PBBans?

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Ivabiggen's Achievements


Apprentice (3/14)

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  1. I dont have access to the net anymore and if i did id be at a net cafe so the pbguid would be different . I know the person hows been doing but cant prove it, im just sick and tried of people screawing with my life. Heres my stats page to back up what im saying http://bf2s.com/player/46178284/ cheers
  2. Hi i havent played bf2 for a while and have been catching up with playing buddies. I have just found out that i have been banned by pbbans. How do i go about sorting this out as i dont play at the moment but would like to see how idd go about fixing this problem i have. Here is my stats page to verify that i havent played for 7 months. Cheers
  3. We had a little problem we now have had to change my clans name and tags. We are now called Death For All and the tags are ~DFA~ thank u i tried to change my profile but is it possible to change it or do i need to reaply Thank you
  4. whats the extra info needed? th link doesnt work
  5. So has that person been banned because it doesnt come up in the ban list
  6. that was the only one i screen shoted i miss the next too
  7. http://i276.photobucket.com/albums/kk36/om...4/screen130.jpg
  8. On Sunday we had three bans from pbhub but it show 0 bans can u explain
  9. Do we need to screen shot when the bans come up or is it automatic
  10. Does this pick up all hacks?
  11. Do i need to do anything else please
  12. Thank you
  13. server ip
  14. I follow what is written and dont seem to be getting anywhere can someone help
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