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Everything posted by haddows101

  1. just to bump this topic up, would like to add a new server to my account....thanks.
  2. Account ID: 9920 Name: Cranial-Tap Tag: [cT*] Website: www.Cranial-Tap.co.uk Error Code: Account Inactive we have a server back up and running and we are requesting to regain our rights to use your services once again <3.
  3. [cT*] www.Cranial-Tap.co.uk

  4. requested by a friend. this tutorial explains how to defend yourself in the quickest way possible as sniper, it is the most important shot of cQc and one of the hardest. when learning scope in and out on a stationery target so u can see wher the center of the screen is. then start moving around and doing the same.........when u feel comfortable with centering, start fireing on the target as soon as you press your rightmouse to scope. by the time your scope is at full zoom u should have fired already. Goodluck. p.s if this helps or if u like it please rate and comment. thanks, =BBUK= hAdDz http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4dL6wU34-uU
  5. had alot of questions so i put it to video. please comment and rate ;)
  6. lil preview of my new sniper vid is on the way..... enjoy :P . http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gsj4F1a-pwY
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