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Everything posted by M4Assault

  1. This is sick. Screwed either way. Well back to gunny sgt.
  2. Well I do thank you guys for looking up his guild for me. Ever since this happened I have researched more about it & there's actually software that lets a moron do it for them :( I really hope the patch in winter will resolve this. I have even asked EA to reset my account for me, but rofls they say they can't do that either. 1 last question. If not EA, who resets the hacker stats? I want in line for a reset.
  3. Yeah I did, & now he spoofed/name hacked/hacked; whatever it's called my account again. My kill streak is over 500! I see it's really worth it to report padders & cheats.
  4. He used my name & took my account to the same PwP stat padding server he admins. I was told that was spoofing, if it's a name hack can we get evidence? & is there ne other way I can stop it?
  5. Well thanks for trying to help me guys, I do appreciate it.
  6. Lol figures a stat padding server isn't streaming.. Is their ne other way I can get proof he spoofed my account?
  7. I reported a stat padder named DarkT3chn0(158701287). I made a post at www.bf2player.com about him cause he's a member there & he found it. Now he spoofed my account & made it look like I went to the same stat padding server he admins. A guy from the same community told me if I can get a punkbuster admin to look up his cd hash they will find my gaming name/alias under his cd hash. My ingame name he spoofed: M4Assault The spoofer: DarkT3chn0(158701287) Can you guys help me catch a hacker/padder & help me clean my name. A link to where this all happened & came about: http://www.bf2player.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=7881
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