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Everything posted by =S*E=Python

  1. thank you for your timely response....this bothers me in the purest form as this drags our clans integrity through the mud, i hope some sort of resolve comes of this and clears the names of the innocent who have been caught up in this, SOLO-ELITE thanks all of you for your understanding of this situation
  2. first of all let me introduce myself, i am from the SOLO-ELITE clan or =S*E= i am a council member and senior member of 10 years in this clan, one of our cod4 members has a flaw on his pb record, its aimbot 50104, he was globally banned because of this, he sent in a ban lift request and was denied, this happened back in march and has since been involved in scrims and matches for our cod4 wing.....now i can sit here and spend all day defending him on this issue not only because i have known him for years but we as a clan do not allow cheaters of any sort in our clan,but that wouldnt prove anything to anyone, so my concern is...is this a known issue that some players have been falsely accused of, some sort of a pb bug? i would like more information concerning this matter please....thank you
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