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~*FaNtASyGiRL*~ last won the day on November 23 2013

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  1. Who do you guys use and why on earth do you have to reboot every 24 hours?!
  2. sighh.. I run popular servers too, and also love my current host who also won't be hosting BF4. I'm really upset like you are about this decision. Its like a big FU to us server admins/owners who dedicate so much time/energy and even money to keep BF3 fun and popular. Yet we, who do this have no input or say so on where we can get our servers from. It is US who have the experience in running these servers day in and day out and know who we can lean on for support and who we know to stay far away from. But it appears, we don't matter.
  3. zhinto= former community manager at ea/dice :)
  4. Yes, NFO or WHOEVER else on this list- may look good, but HOW are these FEW gsps going to handle ALL the servers? How is it possible to support the thousands of servers with just a few? I just don't get it! And this makes me more upset than it should so I think I need to chill for a moment and rethink what I'm going to do about BF4 :(
  5. ya. forteam.. rocketblast. are these overnight companies? what did they do to get this and gamingdeluxe couldn't? what kind mess up decision is this?
  6. Yes, well I got confirmation from EOR as well (as you can see from my post above) but as this point, no one seems to really know, even if the GSP says they are or say that they "dont' know" or that they "can't say"... blablabllalblallblalblallaaaaaaaaaaa. This secrecy and unknown is annoying.
  7. Then I guess the first post needs to be all changed to UNKNOWN STATUS. ;)
  8. I posted my chat and ticket with EOR, but they are still listed in the first post as "unknown" when as you can see by the tickets, they said that they WILL be hosting BF4. So why are they still listed under unknown?
  9. I was contacting GSPs to get an idea of who is hosting/who is not. I would of course never pre order anything this far in advance until I'm certain. I think many feel the same way at this point with all the noise thats going on about it. Plus, I'm still holding out/hoping for GD. Knowing who is going to/ or think they are going to also gives me an idea to research them and decide whether or not I will go with them when the game comes out.
  10. then I asked him if he was double sure since I heard some other providers were not here's his reply: And while we are posting replies from gsps in here, I would also like to see some replies that you all have gotten as well.
  11. End of Reality said that they were in, and even gave me a quote.
  12. Baseraping is fine and allowed on my servers cause the team shouldn't suck so much that they allow themselves to get in that spot. LOL. Ok, on a more sensitive note, there are many ways to get out of a baserape but the team needs to WORK together as a team to pull out of those situations. I have running messages on my server for teams to work together. I also use a balancing plugin that unstacks and balances quite well so that baserape doesn't happen all of the time since you have both sides that are pretty equally skilled. For metro, I have plugins that allow players to vote to end the round early if the game becomes very dull in the first few minutes due to one side being locked down. I also have a plugin on other conquest servers that will end the round and declare one side winner if they are 600 tickets behind.
  13. End of Reality told me that they WERE going to host BF4, but at this point, unless it comes from the owner, I really dunno what to think.
  14. ya know, all this secrecy is getting very lame. You get one guy from support who says yes, then another who says no, then another who says "we don't know we can't say blablablalblala" Just say already! p.s. this isn't just for fragnet- I mean this for several other providers that I have contacted and got the same type of response that scramz did
  15. MP said they would do dedi boxes. and they are on the top list and have a bf4 logo on their site. Yes, I they said they would do dedi boxes as well. They are my next choice for BF4 if I decide to do it.
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