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About Pr!mata

  • Birthday 01/25/1978

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    Battlefield Bad Company 2
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  1. Hello friends. Some time ago signed up another server in my account. After a while I noticed that the server has disappeared from my account. I tried again and add the server is blacklisted. I will contact the company who rented the server, not knowing that it had received a hacked server. I am administrator and founder of the Brazilian federation to call the duty and this is one of the official servers. Do not admit to piracy and launched the campaign to purchase the original game so they could participate in our events. Now, I can only ask to remove the server from the blacklist which will just add it back to my account when solving the problem. The server IP is:
  2. Servers added, pending approval. Grateful.
  3. Maydax, I asked the staff of the company that gave us the servers resolve the problem and told me that they have completed the replacement of the file (the servers are Linux). Is there any way to test? Can you check? If all of that is normal, I would ask that the servers can be used in my account again. I apologize for what happened, and thank you for understanding and patience provided.
  4. What can I do to solve this problem? The servers FBCOD were sold through a partnership. And we need pbbans to ensure safety. Please tell me what can I do to fix this.
  5. There must be some mistake. The FBCOD is encouraging players who do not have the original game to get the key as in partnership with a company that sells the key to the game. Will not be allowed to participate in our events, players with games that are not original. Please review this, some error is actually happening. Below I copied a few lines of the file server.cfg so you can see: / / Master servers September sv_master1 "cod4master.activision.com" September sv_master2 "cod4authorize.activision.com" September sv_master3 "cod4update.activision.com" September sv_master4 "master.gamespy.com: 28,960" September sv_master5 "master0.gamespy.com" September sv_master6 "master1.gamespy.com" September sv_master7 "clanservers.net" September sv_gamespy "1" Review what they did to me, neither of these two servers in question allows the entry of players with key invalid. Unless, a server that has added to my account (SOD), at the request of a clan leader, was in this situation. If it was, I did not know. But I guarantee that the servers FBCOD are clean and require original key.
  6. I am one of the founders and directors of the Brazilian Federation of Call of Duty www.fbcod.com.br. My account was linked to the Clan Dynamic Fury and signed up servers d FBCOD in my account. Entering today, I note that the servers that were added are no longer linked to my account. FBCOD 1 and 2 ( and I am no longer in Clan Dynamic Fury, just to be on FBCOD. I've made the changes that had to do with my account and my profile in the forum, I hope it can be re-adding servers FBCOD in my account, we need PBBans for better security in our competitions. Thank you for understanding.
  7. www.fbcod.com.br

  8. I'm happy to return. Congratulations and good work.
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