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pahkiller last won the day on October 11 2015

pahkiller had the most liked content!

1 Follower

About pahkiller

  • Birthday 08/11/1970

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  • Gender
  • Interests
    Computers, online Gaming
  • Location
    Brisbane, Australia

Clan / Team / League Information (Optional)

  • Name
    Sneaky Ninjas
  • Tag
  • Game Played
    Battlefield 3
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  • Are you a Server Admin?
  • Wish to Stream to PBBans?

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  1. Hi and thnaks I do have java enabled but still nothing I added the required information to pbsv.cfg file etc
  2. Hi I put in the server name then the IP and tried 2 ports 47200 and 25200 Obviously something wrong as it didn't work. OK I am unable to find automated setup tool , I am in automated setup hub but there's no tool or anywhere to add my Rcon password only server name ip and port only thanks
  3. Hi I have tried 3 different ports but still will not stream 6605 Pahkiller
  4. Ok fixed it damn Mozilla sucks but works now in IE
  5. I am unable to get around Javascript to adda server No matter what I add remove uninstall and re-install different version of Java I am still unable to use the Automated Hub setup damn Java sucks can someone please add my server. BF4 IP ports 25200 & 10000 and have tried both ports many times without success Would be appreciated thanks
  6. Hi I am unable to add a server signature to my site Its Invisionpower board the 3.4.6 I add the code to a block but still no good obviously I am not doing something but just cant figure it out www.sneakyninjas.com thanks
  7. My server streaming is inactive I am assuming because of the floods but have no idea Account ID 6605
  8. hi Yeah its ok now thanks HsMagnet helped me just seems to ne pending admin approval now
  9. Hello still no answer?
  10. Sorry forgot to Attach file but its working now have no idea what happened though thanks anywau
  11. Hi I and getting n error message when trying ti input my details for Auto hub setup see attachment, I have checked several time with my game server provider for the settings but nothing triple checked the password as well are you able to help thanks
  12. I have now changed it, well deleted and put in the correct ip and port.and will see what happens now. Thank you
  13. Hi I have streamed many servers but doesn't seem to want to work this time port 16567 Is there anything I have missed? thanks
  14. Ok seems it might work now I used 6711 to use auto hub tool and it worked so wait for approval see what happens I guessed the 6711
  15. I did they said it was the same as the bf2cc rcon prot no. I dont think it is but will try again thanks
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